White Collar Advice

If you are in need of consulting services before, during or after sentencing reach out to whitecollaradvice.com.

What We Do:

White Collar Advice provides a menu of products and services that teach others how they too can prepare to make the most of their journey. We cannot change the past for anyone. Yet we absolutely can teach strategies that lead to the conquering of adversity and the restoration of dignity. Every individual has power within to build upon strengths. At White Collar Advice, we provide guidance to empower others who want to tap their strengths, to reclaim their life, to emerge from difficult experiences stronger than anyone would expect. By teaching others about every aspect of the prison system, we show them how they can prepare to minimize the downside and maximize the upside.

Who We Are and What Differentiates Us:

The White Collar Advice service differs from the typical prison consultant. Many so-called prison consultants masquerade as experts, citing time they served as their credential. They sell fear, preying upon people who are more vulnerable than ever. Other prison consultants built careers working as functionaries of the prison system—former prison guards who contributed to the intergenerational failure factories. After leaving the barbed-wire bureaucracies, those former prison guards brand themselves as “prison consultants” and attempt to provide guidance on what individuals should expect while serving time.

Such individuals have not mastered the challenges associated with confinement. Yet they sell services suggesting that they can advise others. We recognize that many prison consultants are distasteful, bordering on sleazy in their approach to dispensing guidance.

At White Collar Advice, we’re different.

Rather than offering the boilerplate information that anyone can find online, our programs guide people to success.

Clients and their family members routinely tell us that lessons they learned from White Collar Advice were the greatest value they received through their unfortunate experience. Our products and services do more than prepare individuals for the journey ahead. They also restore the confidence and dignity that the criminal justice system seems designed to extinguish.

Justin Paperny, founder of White Collar Advice, has extensive experience dealing with the Criminal Justice System:

Justin Paperny graduated from the University of Southern California, then built his career as a successful stockbroker. His practice at notable firms that included Bear Stearns and UBS, specialized in representing professional athletes and hedge funds. Some bad decisions led Justin into problems with the criminal justice system, including a felony conviction for violating securities laws. A federal judge sentenced Justin to serve an 18-month prison term. In prison he grew determined to make amends—not through talk, but through daily, incremental action. Believing others could benefit from his experience, he began documenting his journey through his daily prison blog, then through his book, Lessons From Prison.
Justin concluded his obligation to the Federal Bureau of Prisons in 2009. Preparations that he made while serving his sentence empowered Justin to build a thriving career, despite the loss of his licenses to sell securities and real estate. While incarcerated, Justin practiced the lessons available through White Collar Advice. As a result of those preparations, income opportunities opened for him upon his release. He lectured in universities across the United States; he published his second book, Ethics in Motion; he became a nationally recognized public speaker for corporate America; he did work with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Pre-Trial Service Offices; and he has guided countless others who were about to embark upon their own journey through the challenges that accompany criminal charges.
Justin’s story has been featured by ABC News, CNBC, NBC News, Forbes, Fox News and Radio America, amongst others. And in June 2015, NBC Universal aired, My Deal With The Devil, a 60-minute show on Justin’s story.

In addition, Jen Myers and I have joined the team to assist clients.

Jennifer Myers is an author, speaker, and an associate Prison Professor. She works with our team as a coach, and she works to end our country’s problem with mass incarceration. Jennifer helps clients who want to qualify for alternatives to incarceration and the best possible experience in prison.
Jennifer grew up among the cornfields as a Midwestern farm girl. After graduating with a B.F.A in Dance and Choreography, she moved to Chicago where she toured as a performer and as a choreographer. Eventually, Jennifer became the artistic director of her own dance company.

Jennifer has written a book about her journey, Trafficking the Good Life, which is available on Amazon.

Contact Us
(818) 424-2220
23679 Calabasas Road,
Suite 905 Calabasas,
CA 91302


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