Softball, Spinning and Soccer Oh My!

Forget that Soul Cycle spin class you had to rush to after work to secure a seat for an hour of sweat and tears.  You will have your choice of classes (Pilates anyone?) at all times of the day and night.

You can store your squash and tennis racquets as you will be trading them in for classes run by other WCCs.  If you prefer an instructor led class there is Yoga, Aerobics, Step and Boot Camp (to name just a few).  If you would like to burn your calories privately you can jump onto one of the spin bikes, elliptical machines or treadmills to exercise away the carbs. Or if you enjoy group sports you can join the Volleyball, Softball or Basketball teams.  So many options.  There is no excuse for you not to come home more toned than when you left.

Is it like training at Equinox?  Sadly no,  as there is no smoothie bar post workout nor steam rooms,  but it’s free (to you at least) and you don’t have to be concerned about the way you look.

No need to worry about getting injured either as many of the volunteers (fellow WCCs) are Chiropractors, MDs (an inordinately high number of Podiatrists for some reason) and Nurses.  They are there, like you, to make the most of your experience by getting healthy and toned.

If you enjoy the outdoors, depending upon which Club Fed you are residing in, you can enjoy a run or walk on the pathways available.

Refer to the previous blog on FedMart for your wardrobe options.  Sadly, Lululemon has not made it to Club Fed so you’ll be saving a lot on matching your Nike IDs to your outfit as most items will be available in a limited color palette of 50 shades of grey.

If you are hankering for a taste of home, I recommend you put on your best white work out attire and grab three WCCs for a game of Badminton with a cooler full of Arnold Palmers (FedMart iced tea mix combined with lemonade mix and a cup full of ice from the industrial sized ice maker in your dorm) for refreshment.  Besides coolers, FedMart also sells a variety of water bottles and sweat bands as well as waist trimming/toning belts to round out your exercise gear.

If an ailment prevents you from partaking in the myriad of physical activities available to you, there are ample mental sports to occupy your time.  Consider starting/joining a chess club.  Not a Kasparov prodigy?  How about Scrabble?  Uno?  All of the board games from your youth (and your parents) are available.  Card games are also very popular. From classic (Rummy, Bridge) to regional (Rook, Spades).   Take this time to fine tune your skills and learn new ones.


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