November/December 2018 Donations and Outreach
Knowledge is power.
Information is Liberating.
Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.
-Kofi Annan
With the former Secretary General’s thoughts top of mind, The White Collar Club Handbook continues to support a plethora of prison library programs including the following organizations:
Ten new Dictionary/Thesaurus books sent to Chicago Books to Women in Prison (@ChicagoBWP).
“Chicago Books to Women in Prison is an all-volunteer group that distributes paperback books free of charge to incarcerated women, including transwomen, nationwide. We are dedicated to offering the opportunity for self-empowerment, education and entertainment that reading provides.”
Fifteen new Spanish/English Dictionaries sent to Appalachian Prison Book Project.
“The Appalachian Prison Book Project (APBP) is a nonprofit that sends free books to people imprisoned in the Appalachian region.”
Fifteen new books from their Amazon Wish List, including career books on Plumbing, sent to Prison Book Program in Quincy, MA (
“Prison Book Program mails books to people in prison to support their educational, vocational and personal development and to help them avoid returning to prison after their release.”
In addition to supporting prison library programs with book donations The White Collar Club Handbook continues to provide guidance to people through in preparing for life in a FPC.
In November and December focused on assisting two women for surrender to Greenville FPC.
Sent two new books directly to Greenville FCI Satellite Camp from a White Collar Advice client’s Amazon Wish List.
Other outreach this month included:
Sent letter to David Safavian, who was instrumental in the passing of the First Step Act, offering my assistance in working toward the Second Step. David is a fellow bearer of the Scarlet F and works for The American Conservative Union Center for Criminal Justice Reform as the Deputy Director.
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