New Year…New Goals! January 2019 Donations and Outreach

New year, new goals. The White Collar Club Handbook is a proud supporter of prison library programs and to that end the goal is to DOUBLE new book donations in 2019!! Education is such a necessary step in preparing those for life after sabbatical. By supplying the materials needed to succeed, those bearing the Scarlet F will be better prepared for the challenging environment they will encounter.

1/2/2019 Sent two special request books directly to a client of to FCI Petersburg Satellite Camp.

Did you know that dictionaries are the number one request from Campers?

1/2/2019 Sent Ten New American Sign Language dictionaries to NYC Books Through Bars from their wish list.

1/2/2019 Sent Five New Spanish/English Dictionaries and Five New Sudoku books to LGBT Books to Prisoners.

“We are a donation-funded, volunteer-run organization based in Madison, WI that sends books and other educational materials, free of charge, to incarcerated LGBTQ people across the United States. We have been doing this for over 10 years and have sent books to over 8,000 people in that time.” –

1/2/2019 Sent Five New Dictionaries to DC Books to Prisons.

“Since 1999, DC Books to Prisons has provided free books to individual prisoners. We also develop and support prison libraries. Our work is done solely by concerned volunteers on donated time and resources.”

1/7/2019 Sent one special request book and two copies of The White Collar Club Handbook to a White Collar Advice client at FCI Petersburg Satellite Camp.

1/14/2019 Ten New Crossword Puzzle books sent to Chicago Books to Women in Prison in response to their Twitter appeal.

Chicago Books to Women in Prison is an all-volunteer group that distributes paperback books free of charge to incarcerated women, including transwomen, nationwide. We are dedicated to offering the opportunity for self-empowerment, education and entertainment that reading provides.”

1/16/2019 Five New Law Dictionaries send to NYC Books Through Bars in response to their Twitter appeal.

“We mail book packages to individuals rather than prison libraries. Our book collection is donated by members of the community. ”

January/2019 Working with several new clients at who are in the midst of preparing for sentencing.

“White Collar Advice provides a menu of products and services that teach others how they too can prepare to make the most of their journey. We cannot change the past for anyone. Yet we absolutely can teach strategies that lead to the conquering of adversity and the restoration of dignity. Every individual has power within to build upon strengths. At White Collar Advice, we provide guidance to empower others who want to tap their strengths, to reclaim their life, to emerge from difficult experiences stronger than anyone would expect. By teaching others about every aspect of the prison system, we show them how they can prepare to minimize the downside and maximize the upside.” –

“The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.”  – Vince Lombardi

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