Never say Never
Now that you are a Lifetime member of Club F you will never be able to do the following:
Own a gun (no, you can’t, but that guy that was locked up in a mental institution for 5 years, he can)
Participate in Jury Duty
Vote (depends on what state you live in…hello California!)
Visit Canada (eh, not so bad..skiing is better in Switzerland anyway)
Take the bar/become a Lawyer (I know, it seems so easy to pass now that you’ve been through the entire process of Club Fed…talk about practical experience)
Run for/Hold Office (Chappaquiddick anyone? Had it happened today tipsy Teddy Kennedy would never have been Senator)
The Scarlet F will still allow you to do the following:
Travel to Mexico and the Caribbean (cerveza por favor)
Vote in Maine and Vermont while on sabbatical (they actually set up booth at Camp)
Lounge on the beach in Phuket (or if you prefer, the Cote d’Azur) or track the big 5 in Kruger
**Disclaimer…change is on the horizon….be aware of legislation under review. For instance, while the states of Kentucky, Virginia and Florida have a life time denial on the right to vote currently, several Presidential candidates are running on a platform to restore voting rights to all Felons.
Fortunately there are lots of politicos that are WCCs and they are pushing for Reform in a major way.
Reps. Bobby Scott (D-VA) and Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) have recently introduced the Safe, Accountable, Fair, Effective (SAFE) Justice Act (H.R. 2944), which if passed into law, would allow many federal prisoners to earn up to one third of their sentence off for completing rehabilitative programs. You can ask your U.S. Representatives in Congress to cosponsor H.R. 2944. To do this, please use this link:
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