May Book Donations and White Collar Advice Work

5/3/2019 Prepared client of White Collar Advice in California for surrender to Victorville.

5/4/2019 Prepared client of White Collar Advice in Colorado for Pre Sentence Interview.

5/6/2019 Sent two new books to a client of White Collar Advice at Greenville FCI Satellite Camp from their Amazon Wish List as well as a packet of magazines.

5/12/2019 Sent three special request books to Appalachian Prison Book Project on learning valuable trade skills (Plumbing, Wiring and Framing) to prepare people for work post incarceration.

By mailing books, facilitating prison book clubs, and offering college courses in prison, APBP celebrates creative expression and defends the liberties that make it possible; champions the freedom to read and write, recognizing the power of literature to transform individuals and societies; and supports educational, vocational, and personal development for people who are locked up.” –

5/12/2019 Sent ten Spanish/English dictionaries from their special request list to LGBT Books to Prisoners in Wisconsin.

We are a donation-funded, volunteer-run organization based in Madison, WI that sends books and other educational materials, free of charge, to incarcerated LGBTQ people across the United States. ” –

5/13/2019 Sent five new Dictionaries to DC Books to Prisons.

Since 1999, DC Books to Prisons has provided free books to individual prisoners. We also develop and support prison libraries. Our work is done solely by concerned volunteers on donated time and resources.” –

5/15/2019 Preparing two female clients of White Collar Advice for surrender to Lexington FMC Camp in the next two weeks. Have arranged for a woman currently incarcerated in Lexington to greet them and assist them upon arrival.

5/17/2019 Sent two special request books to a client of White Collar Advice at Lewisburg FCI. He informed me that their REC building is still closed for black mold which effects them receiving reading materials as that is where the library is housed.

5/17/2019 Sent three new challenging Crossword Puzzle Books to a client of White Collar Advice at Greenville FCI Camp. Keeping the brain stimulated is of paramount importance when incarcerated.

5/20/2019 In response to their Twitter appeal sent ten new dictionaries to Chicago Books to Women in Prison.

Chicago Books to Women in Prison is an all-volunteer group that distributes paperback books free of charge to incarcerated people nationwide, focusing on all women and trans/non-binary people. We are dedicated to offering the opportunity for self-empowerment, education and entertainment that reading provides.

Currently we send books to state prisons in Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi and Ohio, as well as all federal prisons.” –

5/21/2019 Sent three new books to a client of White Collar Advice surrendering to FMC Lexington Satellite Camp this week so that she has reading materials her first week. FMC Lexington Camp is a very small (less than 300 women) facility.

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”
― Plutarch

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