June 2021 Book Donations and Consulting
June continues with support for those preparing to enter/depart Camp. White Collar Advice provides services for people in the earliest stages of legal proceedings through sentencing and return to home. The team at whitecollaradvice.com advises individuals as well as helps them prepare themselves and their families for life during and after Camp. Every effort is made to discuss the realities of life during this challenging time as well as make any potential time away from their family and friends the most productive possible.
The White Collar Club Handbook donates books and magazines to individuals in support of their continued learning. Many are related to job opportunities and others are specific to individual’s needs. To that end, here are some donations that @thewcchandbook provided this month, in addition to consulting:
6/14/2021 Sent 2 special request books to a client of White Collar Advice at FMC Lexington Camp in addition to weekly magazine packets since they entered Camp.
6/22/2021 Sent 4 new dictionaries and 4 new thesauri to Appalachian Prison Book Project in West Virginia.
“APBP mails free books to people imprisoned in six states: West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Maryland. We serve over 200 facilities in the region, and we receive around 200 requests per week. Since 2004, we have mailed over 45,000 books.
The book project is an all-volunteer, donation-based effort. Nearly every book we send has been donated to us and is housed in our work space at the Aull Center, a space generously provided by the Morgantown Public Library. A small army of dedicated volunteers opens letters, matches requests to books, and wraps books for mailing.” – appalachianprisonbookproject.org
Book requests should be mailed to their post office box: APBP, PO Box 601, Morgantown, WV 26507.
6/23/2021 Sent 4 new Russian Language books to DC Books to Prisons from their special request list. Learning a new language is a productive use of time while incarcerated and The White Collar Club Handbook focuses book donations on supporting skill building.
“Founded in 1999, DC Books to Prisons provides free books to individual prisoners. We also develop and support prison libraries. Our work is done solely by concerned volunteers using donated time and resources. DC Books to Prisons is a fiscally sponsored project of Empowerment WORKS, a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
In 2009, the program expanded to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where four to five volunteers raise funds, collect books, and meet in donated space to answer prisoners’ requests.
Yearly, between the two sites, we send more than 7,000 packages to prisoners with around 250 from Alabama and the rest from DC. These packages go to prisoners in over 600 prisons in the United States. We serve state and federal prisoners in 34 states, and federal prisoners in Arizona. With the exception of DC residents in federal prisons, we do not serve inmates in CT, FL, IL, MA, ME, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OR, PA, RI, VT, WA, or WI.” – dcbookstoprisoners.org
6/28/2021 Sent three new special request books to a client at FMC Lexington Camp.
“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan
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