January 2021 Book Donations and WCC Support
Making great strides toward doubling book donations in 2021, beginning with the following this month:
1/6/2021 Sent 20 new special request books from their wish list to Prison Book Program in Quincy, MA.
“Prison Book Program is a grassroots organization that exists for one purpose—to send free books to prisoners. We’ve been doing it since 1972.
Books are crucial to the political, spiritual, and educational development of all people. Most prisons do not allow family and friends to send books into prisons. They must come from a bookstore, publisher, online retailer or a program like ours. We serve over 10,000 prisoners each year.” – prisonbookprogram.org
1/6/2021 Sent 10 new dictionaries to Appalachian Prison Book Project in West Virginia.
“APBP mails free books to people imprisoned in six states: West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Maryland. We serve over 200 facilities in the region, and we receive around 200 requests per week. Since 2004, we have mailed over 45,000 books.
The book project is an all-volunteer, donation-based effort. Nearly every book we send has been donated to us and is housed in our work space at the Aull Center, a space generously provided by the Morgantown Public Library. A small army of dedicated volunteers opens letters, matches requests to books, and wraps books for mailing.” – appalachianprisonbookproject.org
1/10/2021 Sent four new special request books to a woman at FMC Lexington Camp to help her fill her time as the facility is in lockdown due to COVID concerns.
In addition to the above mentioned new special request books sent, weekly magazine packets and daily Corrlinks correspondence is maintained to assist in any way possible.
“If you are still breathing you have a second chance.” – Oprah Winfrey
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