January 2020 Donations and White Collar Advice Work
Since 2016 The White Collar Club Handbook has been donating books to incarcerated individuals as well as Prison Library Programs across the United States with the objective of providing educational materials to enhance people’s minds as well as provide necessary technical knowledge for post incarceration employment. 2020 will be no different. Again, the goal is to double donations, beginning with……
1/8/2020 Sent 3 newly released books to a client of White Collar Advice at Victorville FPC.
1/8/2020 Sent 2 new books to a client of White Collar Advice at Lexington FMC.
1/18/2020 Sent one new special request book to a woman at Greenville FCI Satellite Camp. In addition to weekly packets of reading materials The White Collar Club Handbook sends special request books to men and women from their Amazon Wish Lists.
1/24/2020 Sent 5 new dictionaries and 1 CDL License Exam book from their special request list to DC Books to Prisons. Commercial Driving/Trucking is one field that is very supportive of hiring those bearing the Scarlet F.
“Since 1999, DC Books to Prisons has provided free books to individual prisoners. We also develop and support prison libraries. Our work is done solely by concerned volunteers on donated time and resources.” – dcbookstoprisoners.org
1/24/2020 Sent 20 new sudoko/word search books to Prison Book Program in Quincy, MA. These mind challenging books help keep the brain engaged while incarcerated.
“Prison Book Program mails books to people in prison to support their educational, vocational and personal development and to help them avoid returning to prison after their release. We also aim to provide a quality volunteer experience that introduces citizens to issues surrounding the American prison system and the role of education in reforming it.” – prisonbookprogram.org
1/24/2020 Sent 10 new dictionaries to Appalachian Prison Book Project in West Virginia. Dictionaries are the number one requested item from incarcerated people.
“By mailing books, facilitating prison book clubs, and offering college courses in prison, APBP celebrates creative expression and defends the liberties that make it possible; champions the freedom to read and write, recognizes the power of literature to transform individuals and societies; and supports educational, vocational, and personal development for people who are locked up.” – appalachianprisonbookproject.org
1/28/2020 Sent 10 new dictionaries to Chicago Books to Women in Prison.
“Chicago Books to Women in Prison is an all-volunteer group that distributes paperback books free of charge to incarcerated people nationwide, focusing on all women and trans/non-binary people. We are dedicated to offering the opportunity for self-empowerment, education and entertainment that reading provides.” – chicagobwp.org
1/29/2020 Sent two new books to a client of White Collar Advice at FMC Lexington Satellite Camp from their Amazon Wish list.
“Upon the subject of education … I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people may be engaged in.” Abraham Lincoln
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