Focused Felon

It’s so easy to be distracted by temptations….people, poisons, propositions, even pie!… needs to lay out a plan and follow it before, during and after sabbatical.

If you want to be a Scarlet Success Story (SSS) then you need to sit down and map out your strengths and weaknesses.  Be honest with yourself, no one is perfect.  It’s okay to be OCD, ADD or any other neurological acronym.

WCC’s have a history of being overachievers.  Take this strength and put it in the plus column.  Bring determination to whatever you choose to pursue and don’t let anyone or anything get in your way.  This may mean adding people or things to your Chuck It List.  It’s time to evaluate and re-evaluate your priorities.

Yes, a yoga retreat in Tulum is tempting but is it really going to propel you forward?  If you’re planning on opening a Yoga business then go for it…if it’s just to deepen your tan then it can wait.

Take an honest inventory of your life.  Many people never do this in their lifetime.  Once you have compiled your list then see where you can channel your efforts to improve upon your situation.

Lastly, beware the naysayers……

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.  Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great – Mark Twain




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