Fed Up

It’s not all peaches and cream at Club Fed.  There are times when you are counting the days/hours/minutes until you are reunited with loved ones.

Don’t let your frustrations get the better of you on your staycay.  Like your annoying younger sibling you will find not all people on sabbatical are as industrious as you nor as pleasant.

Give the fact that you are all leading a rather unfulfilling, repetitive daily existence people tend to get bored, annoyed and testy.

Try to avoid those emitting negative vibes….the last thing you need while sojourning is someone graying your day.

Surround yourself with fellow WCCs and those that are taking the time to reflect, better themselves and others, improve/repair relationships and are making the most of their time at Club Fed.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are in a room of Debbie Downers make it clear that you are not interested in engaging in morose conversation or, better yet, excuse yourself and make note not to socialize with that group further.

Like your childhood Camp experiences, WCCs tend to gravitate toward fellow WCCs.  It may take a little time, but you will settle into a clique.


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