February 2021 Book Donations and WCC Support
Slowly COVID restrictions are being lifted at facilities The White Collar Club Handbook supports. In addition, some prison book programs are beginning to open limited hours to support those in need. This month book donations were increased as a result of these improved conditions.
2/4/2021 Sent ten new dictionaries to Inside Books Project in Austin, TX.
“Inside Books Project is an Austin-based community service volunteer organization that sends free books and educational materials to prisoners in Texas. Inside Books is the only books-to-prisoners program in Texas, where over 140,000 people are incarcerated. Inside Books Project works to promote reading, literacy, and education among incarcerated individuals and to educate the general public on issues of incarceration.”
2/8/2021 Sent ten new dictionaries to Appalachian Prison Book Project in WV.
“By mailing books, creating prison book clubs, and providing tuition support for incarcerated people taking college classes, APBP celebrates creative expression and defends the liberties that make it possible; champions the freedom to read and write, recognizes the power of literature to transform individuals and societies; and supports educational, vocational, and personal development for people who are locked up.”
2/8/2021 Sent ten new dictionaries to Chicago Books to Women in Prison in IL.
“Chicago Books to Women in Prison is an all-volunteer group that distributes paperback books free of charge to incarcerated people nationwide, focusing on all women and trans/non-binary people. We are dedicated to offering the opportunity for self-empowerment, education and entertainment that reading provides.”
2/8/2021 Sent two new special request books to a WCA client at FMC Lexington Camp.
2/14/2021 Sent 20 new crossword puzzle books to Prison Book Program in Quincy, MA from their special request list.
“Prison Book Program is a grassroots organization that exists for one purpose—to send free books to prisoners. We’ve been doing it since 1972.
Books are crucial to the political, spiritual, and educational development of all people. Most prisons do not allow family and friends to send books into prisons. They must come from a bookstore, publisher, online retailer or a program like ours. We serve over 10,000 prisoners each year.”
In addition to the above mentioned donations weekly magazine packages are sent to clients of White Collar Advice.
“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.”— Confucius
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