February 2019 Donations
2/1/2019 Sent three new special request books to a White Collar Advice client at Greenville FCI Satellite Camp.
2/4/2019 Sent two new special request books to a White Collar Advice client at Petersburg FCI Satellite Camp.
2/4/2019 Sent five new dictionaries to Books Through Bars MA.
“We are an MA-based carceral abolitionist group seeking to provide incarcerated members of our communities with books. booksthroughbarsma@gmail.com” – @btbmass
2/5/2019 Sent five new dictionaries and five new special request puzzle books to Chicago Books to Women In Prison.
“Chicago Books to Women in Prison is an all-volunteer group that distributes paperback books free of charge to incarcerated women, trans- and non-binary people nationwide. We are dedicated to offering the opportunity for self-empowerment, education and entertainment that reading provides.” – chicagobwp.org
2/8/2019 Sent ten new thesauri to Appalachian Prison Book Project from their wish list.
“The Appalachian Prison Book Project (APBP) is a nonprofit that sends free books to people imprisoned in the Appalachian region. APBP also facilitates year-round book clubs inside a federal prison in West Virginia.” – appalachianprisonbookproject.org
2/26/2019 Sent three special request books to a White Collar Advice client at Greenville FCI Satellite Camp.
All our dreams can come true–if we have the courage to pursue them. –Walt Disney
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