Crimson Comfort Cooking
Chill in the air? Cold front moving in? Craving a bit of home?
How about some Crimson Custard, more commonly known as Banana Pudding. It’s simple, requires few ingredients and is quick to make up before the weekend movie.
Here’s what you will need:
Vanilla Pudding Cups
Creamer (Plain or, for an added kick, Vanilla flavored)
Lemon Juice (optional)
Vanilla wafers
If you want to go all M-Stew then you will also need:
Caramel or Chocolate Syrup
Oatmeal Cookies
Candy Bar
First, layer the the bottom of your container/dish/bowl with vanilla wafers
Second, in a bowl combine vanilla pudding, creamer, sugar and lemon juice. Depending upon the size of your container you will need to determine how much of each to use. I suggest, for every 2 pudding cups one teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and one tablespoon of creamer. Mix together and taste before spooning on top of wafers. If you prefer a bit more sugar add away.
After you have spooned your filling on top of the vanilla wafers place a layer of cut bananas on top.
At this point you have several options….you can add another layer of filling and top with bananas again or you can just skip to the topping below.
For the topping, crumble some vanilla wafers or oatmeal cookies (or whatever other cookies you like) and sprinkle across the top, completely covering the sliced bananas.
Once completed place in ice chest and chill for several hours (this is the hardest part…waiting!).
After you remove the chilled container, you can warm up some caramel or chocolate syrup and drizzle it all over the top. For those seriously jonesing for a sugar rush, cut up a Snickers bar (or two) and randomly place on top.
Now you are ready to serve. Guaranteed you will have tons of new “friends” vying for a taste!!
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