During and after sabbatical one needs to abide by a set of rules set forth by Uncle Sam.
While at Camp one will find a basic set of rules to adhere to, so simple to follow that when compared to Facebook’s privacy policy it seems like kindergarten stuff. Study these upon arrival and DON’T STRAY and you will glide through your staycation unscathed.
Yes, certain things can seem ridiculous (e.g. must wear socks with formal attire) but they are there for a reason and protect not only the Camp but you as well. Imagine if your camp mates didn’t wear socks….the foot funk would be nasty!
Security is extremely low at Camp as it is really just is a holding area, in the form of a leafy campus, until you have completed your term. No locks, no barbed wire, no video cameras, no guards walking around armed, none of that. Stop watching crazy TV movies….Camp is not Shawshank!
That being said, respect the rules and you will gain respect in return. If you want to have an attitude of living on the edge and testing the policies nothing good will come of it. Minor deviations from the directives might include punishment like sweeping a hallway. Do you really want to spend your free time with broom in hand or watching another episode of Game of Thrones? More serious infractions, like taking a stroll off campus, may include transfer to another facility or an extended stay. Neither option is inviting.
Post sabbatical you will still have to keep in touch with Uncle Sam during your probation. Probation is a fancy term for long distance baby-sitting. This is very easy and short lived. It could involve checking in with a Government employee once a month just to let them know you are alive and well. Yes, it’s inconvenient, but is it really any different than your monthly call to an elderly relative to do a pulse check? It’s over before you have even completed all of your post Camp spa and Dr appointments!
There is a light at the end of the tunnel…and it’s all about making the most of your time and taking CONtrol of your life.
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