Fortuitous Felons
How can it be that those bearing the Scarlet F are fortunate?
They are fortunate for the perspective they have been provided. Uncle Sam has given them the time and opportunity to improve themselves, away from their daily distractions. By stepping out of their comfortable environment, Club Fed has made WCCs more compassionate and more appreciative of the people and things around them.
Did a WCC ever imagine that they would befriend a disbarred Lawyer at Club Fed or a major drug dealer? Did it ever cross their mind that they would be swapping microwave recipes with someone named T-Rex? Or being the only straight white person on an all black Basketball team?
Time apart from loved ones may be difficult, but the time away allows a WCC to re-evaluate those that matter in their lives and the people that they want to continue to partner with on their journey through life.
While working non-stop a WCC never had the chance to really sit back and analyze the direction they were tumbling toward at full speed. Days, weeks, months, YEARS flew by and before they knew it they were getting invites to their Prep School’s 25th reunion!
Club Fed is a unique sabbatical in that a WCC is removed from all distractions (okay, maybe not all, but certainly most) and all luxuries (definitely all luxuries!). People pay top dollar to go to an Aman resort to escape and re-boot, at Club Fed Uncle Sam is footing the bill. Take advantage of this rare opportunity.
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