Crimson Crony

How does one introduce their new Scarlet Sister or Fraternal Felon?

The Scarlet F is not branded on one’s head nor is it emblazoned on one’s shirt pocket.

“I’d like to introduce you to Donna, we met at (fill in the Club Fed blank)”….not exactly like your previous introductions….”Bitsy and I met on holiday in Capri while snorkeling in the Blue Grotto”…

Assuming your new Crimson Crony doesn’t have a shotgun tattooed on their face, there is no need to feel awkward about introducing your Campmate to friends and family.

Sometimes the bonds formed on sabbatical are an experience shared that can’t compare to prior social engagements.

Good people are good people regardless of any mistakes they may have made.  In many cases they are “re-born” during their sabbatical and lead very productive/positive lives.

Need some examples?  Would you introduce a musical friend to Jay Z?  How about a die hard Conservative to Dinesh D’Souza? A celebrity columnist to Robert Downey Jr?  All are bearers of The Scarlet F and all have become more successful AFTER attending Club Fed.

Perhaps adding Club Fed to your social profile has a positive effect and meeting your new Crimson Crony could be a bonus in a social gathering?  If anything, it makes for interesting conversation!

If Emily Post were alive today she might recommend that you address any initial awkwardness by asking your Crimson Crony how they would like to be introduced then follow their lead.



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