From one WCC to another WCC (June/July 2016 donations)
In an effort to support the educational needs of those on sabbatical, The WCC Handbook is proud to have made the following new book and monetary donations and encourages others to give to these WCCs (Wonderful Crimson Charities!):
Three new Special Request books to Chicago Books to Women in Prison (@ChicagoBWP) including instructional books on Welding and Carpentry.
Two new Special Request books on Self Improvement shipped directly to Alderson FPC.
Five new dictionaries to Inside Books Project in Austin, TX (@InsideBooksATX).
Two new Special Request books on Learning Hebrew and Medical Billing sent to Chicago Books to Women in Prison (@ChicagoBWP).
Five new Dictionaries sent to Chicago Books to Women in Prison (@ChicagoBWP).
Two new Special Request books sent directly to Alderson FPC.
$100 donation to “A Kid Who Cares” in support of a Crimson Crony being released from Alderson FPC after a 10 year sabbatical to assist in her re-entry into society. (See related post “Calling on all Friends of F….”).
“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.”– Confucius
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