Friends of F
The flashing F on your chest is a beacon that will either repulse people or draw your true friends closer.
No need to be a social pariah. You are still the same person inside, it’s your new public persona that is Starbucks fodder.
Accept any invitation that comes your way. It’s important for you and your family to keep life as normal as possible. Wallowing in self pity/regret is not helpful to anyone nor productive in the long run. You will soon find that more people have had run ins with Uncle Sam than you ever knew. Perhaps they were just able to keep it a bit more on the down low, like when Daddy gave a big contribution to the local Police Department when Junior totaled his Jeep after the big Football game after consuming a few too many brewskis.
While on sabbatical you can have visitors about 4 out of the 7 days and even more if a holiday week. This is an opportunity for you to put on your Formal Attire and greet your friends in the visiting room and indulge in the myriad of vending machine delicacies available to you while playing games or holding your spouse’s hand.
Note to Friends of F: Don’t keep asking “How are you?” As if your friend has a terminal disease. Ask them about their day, tell them about your day. Spending this precious time discussing “what ifs” or crying buckets of tears does no one good. You will most likely notice a change in your WCCs appearance, of a positive note. WCCs get more sleep at Camp. There are no 5am alarms getting you up and off for your commute to work. WCCs also have more time to read and actually digest a book/article as opposed to just skimming the headlines. They are open to having a real debate on a topic. WCCs also have a lot more time to exercise which means you will start seeing flatter stomachs and more toned arms and legs. Compliment your Friend on their Club Fed glow.
If you want to treat your WCC to something nice, be the first to get to the vending machines with a pocket full of quarters to purchase a Greek Yogurt and Cappuccino for your friend. Try to recreate the Saturday morning cafe experience you have enjoyed countless times in the past.
You will also be surprised to find that your WCC friend has made friends with fellow Campers. Like the Summer College Campus Programs your parents sent you to while they went on a European Tour (ostensibly to prepare you for your SATs) WCCs meet people from all over the world and all backgrounds.
For the most part, Campers are first time (non violent) offenders. They’ve made a mistake and exercised poor judgement. Who can’t relate to that? Campers share the same feelings of guilt, shame and remorse regardless of their backgrounds. That makes it a unifying experience.
That being said, your WCCs new friends may, at first glance, surprise you. Visible neck tattoos can be off-putting but try to have an open mind, as appearances can be deceiving.
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