Scarlet Fever

Let’s be clear, while Club Fed is an unplanned life sabbatical, and focused WCCs will attempt to make the most of their sojourn, that’s not to say there will not be bouts of Scarlet Fever (SF).

Symptoms include longing for a hug from a loved one, FOMO on a child’s special moment or not hearing your name called at Mail Call.   SF can also be triggered by a letter received from a long lost friend or a missed phone call.

These symptoms can result in a pain in your chest, teary eyes or a desire to crawl into bed and hide under the covers.

The best treatment when aches of this type occur is to double down on your exercise…get those endorphins pumping….the aching in your heart should be from jumping rope or completing a 5k, not on missed scenarios.

Other treatments include watching a movie (preferably a Comedy) in the Library from the DVD assortment available or reading an engaging novel (perhaps Walt Disney’s Biography).

It is imperative that you do not stay in bed.  The prescription is for movement and interaction.

If one does happen to succumb to SF and lay down in bed for a prolonged period it could escalate to SD (Scarlet Depression).  One wants to avoid this at all costs as it could lead to weight loss/gain and a need for prescription medicine.

SF can be contagious.  It is best to avoid those that are suffering from this condition as it can spread very rapidly.

Once you have experienced SF it can recur so it’s best to be aware of the symptoms so as to be able to address them immediately.



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