Nonpartisan Support

After childhood camp expeditions you were eager to share your experiences while being inundated with questions from your friends and family who wanted to hear all about your escapades. Your interactions post Club Fed will be markedly different.

Polite people will shy away from asking about your time apart.  Those that lack good manners will be less subtle and the acquaintances that have been Grey Goose Martini inspired will make particularly inappropriate remarks, but for the most part, people will not pry about your sabbatical.

Friends of F only knowledge of Club Fed is based upon MSNBC TV shows highlighting the most intense environments which tend to be poorly maintained and managed and lacking in civilized colleagues and interactions.

In an effort to put your friends and family at ease you should feel free to share snippets of your Club Fed sojourn.  Keep in mind that not everyone wants to hear about this episode in your life so know your audience before launching into a story about your participation in Club Fed.

Where your prepubescent and adult bivouac involvement will be similar is that you will form unexpected friendships with people from a variety of social circumstances.  People tend to gravitate toward those that share/exude the same milieu but their sphere may expand due to curiosity and their exposure to divergent personalities.

Exposure to disparate people can be eye opening/liberating.  Unconventional relationships can form which continue after Camp.  The bonding that occurs is based upon your shared trials and tribulations and, of course,  The Scarlet F.

Friends of F should not shun these new additions to your circle, but realize they are no different than your lifelong friend and simply participated in a shared furlough, not unlike the many vacations you have taken to exotic locales.

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