Did someone say shots???

When you get a “shot” at Camp it’s not like when Uncle Clifford bagged a pheasant during your trip to South Dakota, nor is it like the booster “shot” the nurse gave you before Safari with the family to celebrate Pop Pop’s 80th.

A “shot” at Camp means you have run afoul of the rules.  Yes, there are rules at Camp.  Very basic and easy to adhere to, so try to read your welcome manual so that you don’t end up getting a “shot.”

No, there are no bullets involved.  No one has a gun at Camp.

A  minor “shot” means you have done something silly like miss a “count.”

A more severe “shot” for, let’s say, making sloe gin, could result in you losing the right to have visitors or not being able to purchase anything in Fed Mart.

As WCC’s need their weekly retail therapy it is not recommended that you ignore the code of conduct, even if you were trying to recreate an afternoon at Raffles sipping Singapore Slings.

Given this generation’s dependence on all things electronic, some people obtain cell phones while on break.  Not only is this not necessary, as you have access to phones about 18 hours a day, but it’s a rule breaker.  This type of no-no would result in a severe “shot” and one could even end up being sent to “County.”


Yes, “County” is an ugly word.  This means you would be transferred from Camp Cupcake to a really dingy holding center in your local rural town where you might be fed a bologna sandwich.  Gag.  Unless you are interested in recreating a scene from Misery with Kathy Bates as your room mate it is strongly recommended that you abide by the simple rules set forth.


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