Taco Sopa

Nice recipe for cooler weather…even if you don’t have a microwave!


2 large spoonfuls of brown or white rice

2 large spoonfuls of beans

1 spoonful of minced onion

1/2 package of Sazon seasoning

1 spoonful of lemon juice

1 spoonful sugar

1/4 block mozzarella cheese (shredded)

Salt and Pepper to taste

Hot sauce (optional)

1 serving tortilla chips, crunched up


In bowl mix all ingredients (except the mozzarella cheese, hot sauce and chips) with one cup hot water.

Let sit covered for 4 minutes.

Add additional cup of hot water and stir.

Cover top with shredded cheese and tortilla chips and add hot sauce to taste.

The perfect tenempie while watching sports (in or outside of your living quarters!).

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