Straight at the Gate…and Back
For some reason, everyone seems obsessed with the question about sex at Camp. College fantasies run rampant in people’s minds. Not to put water on your fire, but Club Fed is not Club Med.
Inside every woman does not rage a lascivious lesbian nor does every man have images of English boarding schools running through his head (not familiar with Eton and the like? Watch Another Country on Netflix).
First off, camps are single sex environments where you are more likely to hear people speak longingly for their families and friends.
Secondly, this is hardly the time to experiment. While you are surrounded by primarily first time non violent offenders, many of these people were drug users/abusers and might even be taking antivirals in their daily medical cocktail.
How does one feel sexy in 50 shades of Champion grey, even with the most flattering tailoring? If the external contractor fixing the leaking sink starts looking attractive to you…take a cold shower.
If people are “Gay for the Stay” they were gay before the stay. You don’t change your sexual preference over night. If you are gay and wish to meet someone there are ample opportunities. It’s like one giant same sex mixer so have your pick. Those that are gay and unattached will make themselves known. Even someone without gaydar can easily pick out the resident Lesbian (crew cut, low slung pants, mannish walk, etc.) or Fag Stag.
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