2018 January/February/March Donations & Outreach
The White Collar Club Handbook made the following book donations to Prison Library Programs in the first three months of 2018:
1/7/2018 Four special request books sent directly to Alderson FPC.
1/27/2018 Ten New Spanish/English dictionaries sent to Chicago Books to Women in Prison (@ChicagoBWP).
1/27/2018 Ten New English Dictionaries sent to Louisville Books to Prisoners (louisvillebookstoprisoners.org).
2/8/2018 Ten New Spanish/English Dictionaries and one copy of The White Collar Club Handbook sent to Books to Prisoners Seattle (@B2PSeattle).
Concurrently, The WCC Handbook reached out to the following organizations:
1/21/2018 Emailed and sent copy of The White Collar Club Handbook and Huffington Post article to Justin Paperny, Co-Founder of PrisonProfessors.com to offer my assistance in their endeavors.
Prison Professors (aka White Collar Advice) provides services that teach others how they can prepare for prison and make the most of their journey. They provide guidance to emerge from difficult experiences stronger as experts in the prison system.
2/10/2018 Spoke with Justin Paperny about assisting him in his consulting endeavors at whitecollaradvice.com.
2/17/2018 Participated in Podcast with Michael Santos from PrisonProfessors.com
Follow @thewcchandbook on Twitter for the latest articles on CJ Reform and #secondchance opportunities.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new – Albert Einstein
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